
Rosedale Shelter opens as Iowa's first emergency shelter for youth
George Belitsos establishes Youth & Shelter Services as a nonprofit, private agency and becomes CEO

YSS opens community-based centers in Boone, Des Moines, Marshalltown, Nevada and Webster City
YSS Foundation is incorporated
YSS headquarters moves to the restored Ames Municipal Building at 420 Kellogg Avenue in Ames
Statewide Aftercare Services Network forms with YSS as lead agency
First Reggie's Sleepout at Drake Stadium in Des Moines
Richard O. Jacobson Family Life Center opens at 125 S. Third Street in Ames

Statewide Partnership of Iowa Foster Care Youth Councils forms with YSS as lead agency
Andrew Allen becomes CEO
Iowa Homeless Youth Centers opens Youth Opportunity Center in downtown Des Moines
YSS merges with Francis Lauer Youth Services in Mason City
YSS celebrates its 45th anniversary